Friday, October 12, 2012

The Black Welcome Mat and My Inheritance


The Running Inheritance Joke

My dad and I have a running joke about my future inheritance.  Every time he tells me about a new upcoming trip that he and my mom are planning, he always says the same thing: “We’re just spending some more of your inheritance.”  I always respond the same way: “Spend it all.  It's not mine to spend.  I didn’t earn it.” 

Lessons Learned from the Welcome Mat

I have seen families rip themselves apart over money and things they won't get to keep long anyway.  You know what I have that belonged to my grandparents?  A black rubber "Welcome" mat.  (Well, and a few bells that belonged to my grandmother, but somehow those never made it home; I still hold out hope that they will turn up one day.)  The welcome mat has no value except this: it reminds me of daily conversations with my grandparents on their front porch.

My dad's parents lived two houses away, and my sisters and brother and I would walk to their house to visit every day.  The porch was concrete and would sweat under the welcome mat, so I would flip it over upon my arrival each day and flip it back when it was time to go home.  Perhaps a little OCD, but it became a ritual that I still remember.  The mat is outside between my garage doors now, and I still flip it from time to time, giving thanks each time to pleasant memories that are a much greater inheritance than any worldly possessions they could have left me.

No matter what my parents do or do not leave me as an inheritance, they have blessed me beyond measure.  Not just in financial assistance, great vacations, and such.  With relationships.  With passed-on wisdom and experiences.  With love.  Especially when I have been hard to love.

A Greater Inheritance

One day, though, I do expect a great inheritance. Jesus promised as much:

" In My Father’s house are many dwelling places; if not, I would have told you. I am going away to prepare a place for you. If I go away and prepare a place for you, I will come back and receive you to Myself, so that where I am you may be also."  John 14:2-3 (HCSB)

Now, you can read in Revelation about the beautiful picture of what Heaven will look like (at least a hint), and you can read 1 Corinthians 2:9 where Paul writes that eye has not seen and ear has not heard and man can't even imagine what God has in store for those who live Him; but I see the greatest part of my inheritance in this passage in John: "...where I am you may be also." 

Forever in the presence of the One who redeemed me, justified me, and paved the way for my adoption into God's family -- that's PRICELESS!  And FOREVER, beyond the greatest "forever family" that a waiting child could imagine.  Believer, walk as an fully vested member of God's family today, adopted into all that He has, namely Himself!

Thanks for reading,

P.S.:  Shoutout to my son Garrett, who has blessed our family since his early arrival 16 years ago today!

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